Tenerife: Day 18


We intended to go to the pottery museum in Arguayo but the bus never came. We discovered that the route has been slightly changed because of road works but the hotel people hadn't known about it. Will try again tomorrow at the bus stop in the centre of town. But we found lots to do. Bill hiked 12 km (700+ metres elevation) almost to Chio, a village up the mountain from us. I went down to the shore, took some photos, watched the breakers and did a picture. In the evening there was a gorgeous sunset.
breakers Waves breaking on the rocks. I could watch them for hours.
breakers Have to watch out - this can be damp and my camera does not like water.
breakers The great thing about a digital camera is that you can erase the photo if you don't get the timing right and miss the big splash. You don't run out of film - just erase and wait for the next big wave.
tower and breaker Remember this tower from the first week? That day I did a picture looking off to the right to Los Gigantes. Today I'm drawing the tower.
drawing of tower Here is my drawing. I took a little artistic licence and moved La Gomera a few miles to the south so it is in my picture. I also removed a few rocks.
sunset Sunset from our balcony looking over to La Gomera.
sunset Wow, it keeps getting better.
sunset What a glorious end to the day!

| Index | Day1 | Day2 | Day3 | Day4 | Day5 | Day6 | Day7 | Day8 | Day9 | Day10 | Day11 |
| Day12 | Day13 | Day14 | Day15 | Day16 | Day17 | Day18 | Day19 | Day 20 | Day 21 |
| Hotel | Puerto Cruz | Loro Park | Masca | Guimar | La Caldera | Botanical Gardens | Teide |


©Copyright 2003 Vicki Sherwood
November 20, 2013

This page is http://www.sherwoodonline.de/tenerife/day18.html