
Latin: Ophrys apifera
English: Bee orchid
German: Bienen-Ragwurz
Bloom: June to mid-July
Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
June 4, 2002
These orchids grow on dry hillsides and open woods, only in calciferous
Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
June 9, 2002 |
These orchids imitate insects which pollinate the orchid when they
try to mate with it.
Photographed near Bad Munstereifel, May 30, 2002 |
The same plant as in the photo above but 7 years later.
Photographed near Bad Munstereifel, June 14, 2009 |
The pollen sacks are clearly visible.
Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
June 15, 2008
These orchids imitate insects which pollinate the orchid when they
try to mate with it.
Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
June 15, 2008 |

Latin: Ophrys fuciflora
English: Bumblebee orchid
German: Hummel-Ragwurz
Bloom: June to mid-July
Photographed near Nittel,
June 5, 2009
These orchids grow on dry hillsides and open woods, only in calciferous
soil. They imitate bumble bees which pollinate the orchid when they try
to mate with it.
Photographed near Nittel,
June 5, 2009 |
The appearance and colour of the flowers are quite variable. The lower
part of the flower has a yellow edge.
Photographed near Wasserlieschl,
June 5, 2009 |
Flowers with white petals instead of pink.
Photographed near Nittel,
June 5, 2009

Latin: Ophrys insectifera
English: Fly orchid
German: Fliegen-Ragwurz
Bloom: Mid-May to end of June
Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
June 4, 2006
These orchids grow on dry hillsides and open woods, only in calciferous
Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 28, 2006 |
This flower has just been pollinated by a fly. Grains of pollen are
scattered over the flower.
Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 14, 2006 |
This is a colour variation; the flowers are yellow instead of the usual
dark brown with a blue band.
Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 29, 2005 |
A closeup of the yellow flowers.
Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 29, 2005 |
The plant is still there 4 years later.
Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 10, 2009 |
This is another abnormality.
Photographed near Nöthen,
May 30, 2002 |
All photographs are my property and may not be copied or used
without my written permission.