Orchids of the Eifel: Gymnadenia conopsea

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Latin: Gymnadenia conopsea
English: Fragrant orchid
German: Mücken Händelswurz
Bloom: June to end of July

This group is subdivided into ssp. conopsea and ssp. densiflora, the latter having denser flower heads than the former. Colour variations are common.

Photographed near Wollersheim, June 11, 2006

These orchids grow in calciferous soil on dry hillsides, dry and damp meadows, and flat moors. These photos are all of dry hillsides.

This photo shows some of the plants found growing with the orchids. There is a fly orchid right beside the fragrant orchid. Both are in the middle of a patch of extremely spiny thistles; photographing wild orchids is not easy.

Photographed near Wollersheim, June 11, 2006

This is the mauve variation. It is the most often found colour.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
June 25, 2006

Pink flowers are also very common. This might be ssp. densiflora.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
June 25, 2006

This is the white variation, not as common as the pink and mauve. This plant might be ssp. conopsea.

Photographed near Wollersheim, June 11, 2006


All photographs are my property and may not be copied or used without my written permission.



May 4, 2009
©copyright Vicki Sherwood
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This page is http://orchids-eifel.sherwoodonline.de/gymnadenia.html