Orchids of the Eifel: Cephalanthera

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Cephalanthera damasonium

Cephalanthera damasonium plant

Latin: Cephalanthera damasonium
English: White helleborine
German: Weißes Waldvögelein
Bloom: Mid-May to mid-June

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 29, 2005


Cephalanthera damasonium flowers

These orchids grow in or at the edge of desciduous, seldom mixed or evergreen, woods, usually in calciferous soil.
There are two other members of this group that grow in the Eifel: Cephalanthera longiflora and Cephalanthera rubra. In 2009 I was lucky enough to be shown where 4 C. rubra plants grow (see below). I am still looking for C. longiflora and hope someday to add it to my collection.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
June 4, 2006

Cephalanthera damasonium - open flower

Since the white helleborine is usually selfpollinating, it is rare to find flowers that are completely open like this one.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
June 2, 2009


Cephalanthera rubra

Cephalanthera rubra - plant

Latin: Cephalanthera rubra
English: Red helleborine
German: Rotes Waldvögelein
Bloom: June to mid-July

Photographed near Wachendorf,
June 14, 2009


cephalanthera rubra - flower head

These orchids grow in or at the edge of desciduous and mixed woods but prefer beech woods, usually in calciferous soil but occasionally in sandy soil.

Photographed near Wachendorf,
June 14, 2009

cephalanthera rubra - 2 flowers closeup

Like many orchids the seeds of the red helleborine do not contain any nutrients; seedlings develop only after a root fungus invades the seed.

Photographed near Wachendorf,
June 14, 2009





June 16, 2009
©copyright Vicki Sherwood
Email address
This page is http://orchids-eifel.sherwoodonline.de/cephalanthera.html